Telehealth Urgent Care for Skin Conditions

If you’re in Arizona, you can get fast, convenient care for most skin conditions. No appointment needed.

What are skin conditions?

Skin conditions refer to a wide range of disorders and diseases that affect the skin, the body’s largest organ. These conditions can arise from diverse causes, including genetics, infections, allergies, autoimmune responses, and environmental factors.

They can appear in many ways, from common issues like acne and eczema to more serious ones like skin cancer. Conditions like psoriasis and vitiligo can change your skin’s appearance and impact your self-esteem. Certain skin problems, such as impetigo and scabies, can even spread to others.

Because skin conditions are so different, giving your doctor a detailed medical history and describing how your skin changes appear is essential.

Common Skin Condition Symptoms

Symptoms may include:

  • Dry, itchy, flakey, or painful skin
  • Changes in skin color that can include redness in lighter tones and skin that changes to purple, brown, or dusky in darker skin tones
  • Fingernail and/or toenail changes
  • Blisters, pimples, sores and rashes on skin
  • Patches of inflamed skin
  • Skin that cracks or becomes sore

Common Treatments for Skin Conditions

Your provider will design a treatment plan tailored just for you. They may recommend the following, as medically appropriate:

  • Topical steroids
  • Oral antibiotics
  • Over-the-counter medications
  • Home remedies
  • Guided self-care
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How It Works

We make getting care quick and easy so you can get back to what matters most.

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